Calming Blend

Calming Blend


5 ml clear glass rollerball

Used for Anxiety

Ingredients: Ginger, orange, bergamot and litsea essential oil, grapeseed oil

Application: Apply onto the inside of the wrist around the heart and the back of the neck.

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Ginger essential oil is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, eases nausea and vomiting, aids normal respiration, aids circulation, stimulating, promotes courage and motivation, encourages feelings of balance and stability, reduces mental fatigue.

Orange essential oil supports lymph drainage, is a stimulant, uplifting, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, helps reduce perfectionism, reduces anxiety, combats pessimism and stress management.

Bergamot essential oil is uplifting and a sedative. Is used traditionally in France as a antidepressant, for insomnia and stress. Used to combat anxiety, helping to balance the endocrine system of the body and supports emotional balance.

The citrusy aroma of Litsea essential oil can fill your mind with positive thinking. If used in aromatherapy, this oil can reduce stress, anxiety, and induce relaxation.